How to Participate in or Help STEM Exhibitions

Students are the primary participants in STEM Exhibitions, but rely on the support and participation of their teachers, schools, parents, guardians. Participation by individual volunteers, corporations, businesses, and financial donors, orchestrated by the CPS Student Science Fair, Inc., is essential to support student STEM research and STEM exhibitions. Here is a summary of how anyone or group can participate.

Who is Qualified to Participate in our STEM Exhibition

The primary mission of CPS Student Science Fair, Inc, a private organization, is to support students of Chicago Public Schools in their science fair-related activities and competitions. Non CPS students are not eligible for the CPS Student STEM Exhibition, as their inclusion would conflict with the mission of our organization.

CPS Students

Contact Your Teacher

6th-12th grade CPS students who are curious about science, engineering, technology, or math, and want to investigate a science related question, or design and create a problem solution on their own, should contact their teacher in the Fall about participating in the STEM Exhibition at their local school. Participating in CPS STEM Exhibitions opens the door for students to get recognition, feedback, encouragement, and rewards for their STEM projects.

What if your school is not registered to participate in CPS STEM Exhibitions? 

If your school is not registered with CPS Student Science Fair, Inc. to participate in CPS Student Science Fair STEM Exhibitions, students, parents or guardians should contact their teacher or school principal to have their school register to participate.

Select a topic and register your project

After talking to their teacher, students should select a STEM topic they want to investigate and register their project at their school. For project categories and help on selecting a project see the Project Categories page.

Registering, preparing, and exhibiting a project

For detailed Student information on registering, preparing, and exhibiting a project see the Project Planning and Selection page of student resources as well as the difference between Experimental vs. Design Projects.


Schools, teachers, and principals provide the opportunity for their students to engage in STEM activities that expand and reinforce their classroom STEM experiences. They can support students’  STEM interests by registering their school’s intent to participate in CPS STEM Exhibitions with CPS SSF Inc, and conducting a STEM Exhibition at their school. They champion student participation in STEM Exhibitions. 

STEM Exhibitions give students valuable experience in independent STEM investigations and verbal and written communication. STEM exhibitions give students feedback and exposure to their work, and motivate STEM education and careers. Only by first participating at their own school’s STEM Exhibition can students have the opportunity for recognition, experience, and rewards, including college scholarships, at the CPS Citywide STEM Exhibition and Illinois state and Regeneron ISEF competitions.

Click here for more information about the How to Enroll and Operate a STEM Program.


Teachers can participate in student STEM projects and exhibitions by sponsoring their students’ projects, championing student participation, and volunteering to conduct STEM Exhibitions at their schools. There are many volunteer opportunities for teachers to contribute to supporting CPS students STEM investigations via the many Operating Committees of CPS Student Science Fair, Inc. Find a list of Committees & Chairpersons here.

Parents and Guardians

Parents and Guardians support their students’  STEM interests by encouraging STEM projects and participation in the STEM Exhibitions at their schools. If their school is not yet participating in CPS STEM Exhibitions with CPS SSF, Inc., they should encourage their principals to register to participate. 


Individuals with a passion or interest in supporting student STEM projects, STEM Exhibitions,  STEM education, and STEM careers can participate in  CPS STEM Exhibitions by volunteering as student mentors, or acting as judges at local school, CPS Regional, and the Citywide STEM Exhibitions.  

Individuals, Organizations, Institutions, Companies, Foundations

Individuals, Organizations, Institutions, and Companies can provide donations to CPS Student Science Fair, Inc. to conduct the CPS Regional and Citywide STEM Exhibitions and after school STEM enrichment programs. Donors provide Special Awards at the CPS Citywide Exhibitions. Volunteer judges provide student feedback, encouragement, and recognition at the local , Regional, and Citywide STEM Exhibitions. Donations support CPS student participation in the Illinois state (IJAS) and International Science and Engineering Fair (Regeneron ISEF) competitions, as well as college scholarships.

Find more information about donation opportunites here or how to become a judge here.


The media supports STEM education and student achievement by publicizing and showcasing STEM Exhibition events, particularly the annual CPS Citywide Exhibition of Student STEM Research, and the achievement and awards of CPS Students at the Illinois Junior Academy of Sciences (IJAS) and Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) competitions.

Please reach out to Elizabeth Cooper for all STEM program related media inquiries.

Project Categories

To address the variety of potential student STEM projects, there are 12 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math categories for STEM Exhibitions. Find a list of STEM Project Categories here.

75th Annual Exhibition of CPS Student STEM Research

Dates: March 12 - March 16, 2025

Location: Griffin Museum of Science and Industry

2025 Exhibition Info

Upcoming Dates & Deadlines

Feb 24th, 2025

The top 3 Essay winners will receive notification

More Info

Mar 3rd, 2025

Citywide STEM Exhibition Finalist Registration

More Info

Mar 8th, 2025

Judged Receive Projects for Citywide Exhibition of Student STEM Research

More Info

Mar 12th, 2025Mar 13th, 2025

75th annual STEM Exhibition of Student Research symposium and project display set-up

More Info

Mar 14th, 2025

75th Annual STEM Exhibition of Student Research and Judging for Special Awards, IJAS and ISEF

More Info
View Full Calendar